Saturday, November 9, 2013

Nursing Home Visit

50 Days of School

                                                               Completed Project!
                                               50's music & video on SmartBoard!
                                            A 50th Day of School Student Made Booklet
                                                             Making Root Beer Floats

50th Day of School Blast

Math Dice Fun

SmartBoard Fun

Math Fun


       Never could pass up a good game of Twister with my students.  They loved this time!!

Pumpkin Math

We used Mrs. Sherri's Homemade Pumpkin turners to practice addition.  These were a big hit!!

Greater than / less than practice

                                            We practice the concept of greater than / less than
                                             by using a hands-on homemade activity.  They loved
                                             doing this activity. 

Smokey Bear Visits ACA

WAR Card Game

                                          War Card Game with students to practice greater than
                                           numbers. They love playing games, especially with
                                           their teacher.  Confession:  Their teacher loves it too!!!

How Pumpkin Grows Activity

We did this activity with how a pumpkin grows. The students loves learning with hands-on items.

Field Trip To Paradise Pumpkin Patch

Cannon Shooter

Cannon Shooting was a hit with my class!!

"Milking the Cow"

Duck Race

                                                  The duck race was lots of FUN!

Sunday, November 3, 2013

Tricycle Fun

Field Trip

                                                               Fun on Haybale Hill