Saturday, September 28, 2013

Painting Owls (Step 1)

Dry Erase Story Board Fun

They were so happy to write their stories on these new boards.  I had to take a picture of them before they erased them.  There are also lines on the back of the board and they are filled up!!!  It's amazing how they could think of all that to write on these boards.  They even drew pictures to illustrate their story at the top.  Yay for our new boards!!!

Johnny Appleseed Torn Art Booklet Making

                                   Matthew and Sadie are working on their booklets with torn art. 

Johnny Appleseed Booklets

Friday, September 27, 2013

Torn Art Project

                           Anna Grace is working on her Johnny Appleseed torn art project.

Making Applesauce and Eating Apple Pie

                                                  We made our very own appleasuce!!!
                                                       Apple Pie Smiles!!

Pep Rally Fun



                                             Our General helps us cheer at the Pep Rallies!!

The Golden Rule

Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.

                          The Golden Rule

Thursday, September 19, 2013

Bible Verses

"I will praise thee for I am fearfully and wonderfully made."
Psalm 139:14
I have been teaching them that they are UNIQUE -God made them just the way they are.  They are so important to God, their family, and their teacher.  Some people may be better at some things and they may be better at other things.  We can make a difference in this world by working together with our gifts and talents.  We can have fun learning together in school when we help each other with the things we are really good at.  I pray for these children daily.  I pray that they will use their gifts and talents to glorify God.  I pray that I can guide them toward having servant's heart.  I pray for "my" children to have a wonderful day at school each day.

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Shapey Monsters

Anna Grace and Brox enjoyed making these fun creations called Shapey Monsters.  They are very creative.

Math Learning

Working on a place value mat in math group time can help students grasp the concept of place value.  We always have a good time using the rods and units working with our friends. 

Math Learning is FUN

The students had so much fun using the cubes and flashcards to work these math problems.  Who said math wasn't fun?  Not Mrs. Sherri's second graders.

So much FUN learning

          Matthew, Kate and Ana-Maria are working in Literature / Creative Drawing group.

and more learning FUN

                                 Bailey showing off his math creation during math group work.

more FUN learning

                                 Kate, Sadie and Eli working nicely together in a math group.
                               This class just loves working together in small groups of 2 or 3.
                                  It's amazing how much they can learn from each other.

2nd grade FUN Learning

ACA Pep Rally Fun

                                       Sadie and Ana take part in the Pep Rally with Limbo.

Monkey Food

                                  Mr A. feeding our little monkeys during our magazine sale.

K4 - 2nd grade

                            K4, K5, 1st grade and 2nd grade.  We all love our new class t-shirts.

Groovy Class T-Shirts

Thank you to our wonderful parents for the awesome class t-shirts.  We look so cool in them.